Food and You - How to Boost Your Mood With Food

America is known for being an obese nation. There are several laws that are being enforced in order to reduce the waist size and improve the health of Americans. For instance, the mayor of New York is trying to enforce limits on the size of sugary soft drinks that can be sold out of many establishments. Many of the sweet snacks and drinks that were in the school vending machines have been replaced by veggie chips, granola bars, and water. In certain stores, it costs more to buy a bottle of soda than a bottle of juice or water that is the same size. All of these efforts are being expended in an attempt to help us to experience a more fulfilling existence by being nutritionally fit.

Great lengths have been taken in order to equip our society with the knowledge it needs to be physically healthy. What about our mental health? The brain is part of the body and it can also be positively or negatively affected by what we eat. Certain foods will give us that brain burst that we are looking for and there are others that will depress our moods - causing us to foster emotions of hopelessness and irritability. For this reason, it is important for us to understand how foods affect our mood as well as our physical being.

One tip for lifting your emotional spirits and thrusting off the heavy baggage of emotional woe is to eat foods that are high in fiber and low in saturated fat. We should also eat foods that are rich in B12 and folic acid. Studies have shown that foods which contain B12 and folic acid help to prevent disorders of the central nervous system, mood swings and dementias. Foods like beans and greens usually have folic acid in them. Meats, fish, poultry, and dairy all contain B12.

Eating fruits and vegetables is another way to boost your mood indirectly. Fruits and vegetables contain nutrients that make your body function correctly thus making you feel healthier. A person that eats a lot of fruits and vegetables is less likely to be in a depressed state because they feel better about themselves which changes their overall outlook on life.

Another tip for controlling your mood is eating fish. Studies have shown that people who eat fish that is high in Omeg-3 fatty acid have a lower risk of displaying symptoms of depression. Salmon, sardines, tuna, and herring are all fish that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.

While these tips may assist you on the road to living a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life, I realize that it is only the tip of the iceberg. Maintaining good mental health which leads to overall wellness is a daunting task. However, even if we start with these baby steps, we will still arrive at our destination which is a happier, healthier you and me.

Supplements and Exercises for Joint and Bone Health

Do you suffer from intense joint pain? What are you doing about it? Many people simply ignore these symptoms until it is too late. These are the signs of impending arthritis or perhaps in some cases, its nascent presence. Joint aches can certainly hamper your otherwise perfectly healthy lifestyle; therefore, the sooner you take the action the better it is.

It is important to note that your joint pain will not relieve without assistance. These aches are only meant to worsen with time. The same holds true for all kinds of inflammation and soreness in your muscles and joints. In the joint area, once all the cartilage is depleted, your bones are no longer safeguarded. There is virtually no shock resistant mechanism left. Thus, the only way people tend to relieve themselves is by altering their lifestyle.

The good part about many inflammatory conditions is that there are supplements and remedies available to reduce your joint pain. These will not only serve as great painkillers but will also restore the loss by working on the healthy redevelopment of cartilage. If you suffer from this problem, know that it is never too late to get serious about your health issues.

Normally, women start experiencing signs of arthritis far earlier than men. For all men and women, as you reach your declining ages it is definitely a good option to initiate the use of supplements for joint functioning and health. You have to sustain the cartilage layer because the more the cartilage, the better your joints will be protected.

Supplements are an effective idea if the use is continued on a regular basis. The ideal way to get auspicious results is by including them in your daily schedule. Try to get at least 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every day. Exercise well. Consider altering your daily diet a bit. Persistent wearing and tearing gives roots to the condition arthritis. Thus, do not over do certain movements as you can totally avoid the problem by not being repetitive with your exertions.

Some of the recommended ingredients for supplements include vitamin D3, glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate.

Generally, people revert to joint pain supplements to get some relief for their joint pains too. What really works out well is the addition of herbal additives in your diet. This is practically the best you can do for your joint health without having to incorporate significant changes in your daily regimen. Supplements simply do not kill the pain shortly. They get to the root of the problem and fix your impending arthritis unfailingly.

Health Benefits of Garlic

Garlic is a type of herb that has been used as a flavoring for food for hundreds of years. Researchers have been studying garlic for several years and have found that it has medicinal properties. Below are some of the health benefits of garlic:
Garlic Image

Helps prevent bacterial infections

Garlic is a natural antibiotic. It has been shown to ward off the most common types of bacteria such as Listeria, Salmonella, E. coli and Staphylococcus. Health researchers have found that a person's body can become resistant to antibiotics if he takes them for a long period of time. However, there has been no evidence to suggest that the body can become resistant to garlic.

Supports the immune system

Not only can garlic help prevent bacterial infections, but it can also help prevent fungal and viral infections. Garlic has been shown to boost the immune system. It is rich in vitamin C, vitamin B6, magnesium and selenium. Those nutrients help support immune system health.

Lowers blood pressure

High blood pressure is a health problem that affects approximately 25 percent of adults. If this condition is not treated, it can result in heart attacks and stroke. One of the health benefits of garlic may be in this area as studies have shown that people who take a garlic supplement can reduce their blood pressure by up to five percent. Additionally, garlic supplements may also lower a person's risk of having a stroke by up to 40 percent.

Helps prevent blood clots from forming

Platelets are cell fragments that are responsible for forming blood clots. When a person develops a cut or a bruise, the platelets come together to prevent further bleeding. Platelets are important, but they can also cause clots to form in the arteries. Garlic helps prevent platelets from aggregating or coming together in the arteries. It can also help the body break up existing blood clots.

Reduces cholesterol level

High cholesterol affects nearly 40 percent of the adult population. High-density lipoprotein and low-density liprotein are the two different forms of cholesterol. Low-density lipoprotein causes plaque to build up in the arteries. High-density lipoprotein helps keep the arteries clean. Garlic has been shown to reduce LDL by up to 20 percent. It can also help raise HDL slightly.

Reduces free radicals in the body

Free radicals are compounds that are naturally present in the body. When these compounds begin to accumulate in the body, a number of health problems can result. Garlic acts as an antioxidant and can help reduce the number of free radicals in the body. This can help slow down the process of aging.

Reduces inflammation

Inflammation is the body's response to a harmful stimulus. Even though inflammation plays an important role in helping the body fight infections, when this problem becomes chronic, it can cause heart disease, cancer and depression. Garlic helps reduce inflammation.

It may help prevent cancer

It is estimated that 30 percent of women and 50 percent of men will develop cancer at some point in their life. That is an alarming statistic, but the good news is that garlic may help prevent cancer. Studies have shown that people who consume garlic at least twice a week can reduce their risk of developing all types of cancer. Health experts believe that garlic helps prevent cancerous cells from growing.

Treats diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic condition that is caused by prolonged periods of elevated blood sugar. Insulin is the hormone that is responsible for regulating blood sugar. Diabetes occurs when the body cannot make or respond to insulin. Garlic can help treat diabetes by helping the body produce more insulin.

Helps one manage a healthy body weight

Obesity is a major health crisis that affects over 30 percent of the American population. There was a clinical study done on rats that measured garlic's effect on weight gain. All of the rats were fed a high-sugar diet, but half of them were given garlic. The results of the study were that the rats who were fed garlic gained less weight. Researchers believe that garlic can have this same effect on humans.

Garlic can reduce the risk of several health conditions and improve a person's overall health. Everyone should ask their doctor about adding a garlic supplement to their regime.

Many Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Have you heard the good news about coconut oil yet? People are adding coconut oil to their diets and are getting incredible results. They are losing weight, getting more energy, and getting healthier. Coconut oil is safe to use, and does not turn to fat in your body. It raises the metabolism, so you burn more fat and have more energy. It does not increase your cholesterol, but actually helps lower it. Coconut oil is wonderful diet addition for just about everyone.

Coconut oil is full of healthy benefits. Next to mother’s milk, it is nature’s highest source of medium chain fatty acids (MTC’s), which raise the body’s metabolism, leading to weight loss. It has fatty acids such as lauric acid and monoglycerides, similar to mother’s breast milk.

When lauric acid is consumed in the body, whether through mother’s milk or coconut oil, it enhances the immune system to help the body fight infections, diseases, bad bacteria and yeast invasions. Lauric aid is known to be anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial.

Coconut oil raises the metabolism, which helps people who are trying to lose weight and people suffering from thyroid problems. Coconut stabilizes the blood sugar levels, helping with diabetes. It also protects the heart cells from damage.

Coconut oil helps relieve the symptoms of menopause, and pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS). Many women who suffer the effects of PMS have found the symptoms lessened when coconut oil was consumed often in their diet.

Coconut oil does not raise cholesterol. Studies have shown that people who use coconut oil have lower cholesterol than those who do not, even when the people consuming coconut also eat other high cholesterol foods like eggs and meat.

Unlike refined vegetable oils, coconut oil does not become rancid easily. When oil becomes rancid it becomes toxic as it oxidizes and causes free-radical damage in the body. The unsaturated oils in cooked foods can become rancid within hours of cooking it, even in the refrigerator. Coconut oil is so stable that it can be left a room temperature for at least a year, and it will not become rancid. Some coconut oil producers say coconut oil will last at least 3 years at room temperature before becoming rancid. Since it is such a stable cooking oil, you can use coconut oil in place of other oils, margarine, butter and shortening, for all your cooking needs.

Coconut oil smells good, tastes pleasant and is so good for our bodies that some people consume it straight, by the tablespoon, and use it in place of other oils on their salads. Many people also use it as an ingredient when juicing or making smoothies.

If all this good news isn’t enough, coconut oil one of the best things you can apply directly on your skin and hair. It not only gives temporary relief to skin problems like rashes, but it aids in healing and restoring skin to a younger appearance. It has also been known to help with people who suffer from yeast infections in the skin, and there is solid research that shows the MCTs in coconut oil do overcome yeast infections. Coconut oil also makes an excellent massage oil.

Castor Oil - The Multipurpose Cure for Ailments

Castor oil is a derivative from the castor plant. Its use for health purposes dates back to the period of ancient Egypt, in modern times India and Brazil are major growers. The plant grows the seed from which the oil comes. The leaves are long and palm-shaped. Although the seed is not suitable for human consumption, castor oil is a potent nature's gift in healing and soothing the human body. Cracked ankles and dry skin can easily be massaged and restored to order by castor oil. Beauticians use it to improve the growth of thin eyelashes and eyebrows. This product is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fugal oil, therefore, it is a good remedy for treating indigestion and constipation. The oil impacts positively on the thymus gland, it treats swollen lymph nodes, lessens fatigue and depression.

The oil massage is effective for treating arthritis, rheumatism and other joint problems. It can cure skin ulcers and eliminate fungi around the finger nails and toe nails. Many hair treatment oils now contain castor oil because of its efficacy against dandruff. For very coarse and dull hair, castor oil is a good conditioner, the oil is to be massaged down into the scalp and later washed off. Castor oil also moisturizes, for harsh winter conditions, massaging the body with it before having hot shower will be greatly refreshing.

When used internally, it must be with caution, and certainly not for pregnant women because it can induce labor. Pure honey can accompany internal use so that it can stimulate the liver, relieve pain, increase lymphatic circulation while improving digestion. Castor oil is effective in the cure of epilepsy. When rubbed on to the skin, it penetrates deep into the inner layers of the skin, relieves pain, reduces inflammation, boosts lymphatic circulation and detoxifies the body. It is a mild laxative, it expels intestinal worms, it cures insomnia and can shrink hemorrhoids

All of the above uses of this wonder oil point to the fact that it is one of the alternative therapies to using drugs, when properly applied, the oil is a good companion to the family. Christian pilgrims to Palestine obtain good quantity of pure castor for healing and spiritual purposes. Testimonies have revealed its potency to cure cataracts, swollen lymph nodes, it cures tumors that should have grown into cancer. Some Christian devotees fondly refer to it as "hand of Christ" or "Palma Christ", all because of its healing powers. This oil is also used for spiritual purposes, rubbing it on "from head to toe" to neutralize evil spells. This oil is a great alternative to using several drugs because it has been proven to cure many diseases.

Jogging For Fitness, Weight Loss And Stamina

Jogging and running are good for your health, fitness and for building stamina. They provide great cardiovascular workout, strengthen the muscles and improve mental health by warding off depression and anxiety. Regular jogging or running reduces the risk of heart related ailments, making the heart stronger and less likely to suffer from heart attack.

Running regularly also improves the digestive system. You can find people who lead sedentary lives usually suffer from digestive problems. This can easily be overcome by jogging daily for at least half an hour. Another big benefit of jogging is that it helps in weight reduction. As you run, your body burns calories quickly. Additionally, the body's metabolism rate also improves with regular jogging. Most weight loss experts suggest people to include some form of aerobic exercise in their daily regime in addition to dieting. Running is a favorite exercise with many people as it is simple and provides many other health benefits.

As for those people who eat very less and suffer from weakness, running can be good for them as well. It improves your appetite. This is understandable because the harder you work the more hungry you are going to feel as you need to refuel your body. If you get into the habit of running for 30 minutes or an hour each morning before breakfast, you are going to feel more hungry than you would have otherwise felt. But do not worry about getting overweight. If you eat as much as your body needs you are unlikely to get fat. You will put on weight only when you eat in excess of your body's requirements. For this reason you may find that you are eating more than you did previously but are still not gaining weight because you are getting good amount of exercise.

A superb longer term benefit of running is that it helps in strengthening the muscles and bone density of the legs, hips and back. For this reason, the long distance runners have very strong legs even though they seem to be very thin and weak. You will not develop bulky muscles with running as you do with weight training but it will help in increasing the strength of your legs. You just have to be mindful of taking a healthy diet when you are doing a lot of running.

With so many awesome benefits, its time to get a pair of good jogging shoes if you don't already have one. Jogging can give you both mental and physical joy if its done correctly. You might in fact feel more energetic and fresh after a running session than you felt before.

Deal With Blood Pressure Naturally

As per the American Heart Association, close to one in every three adult Americans suffers from high blood pressure. Most people are not even aware of that they suffer from it since it is the kind of disease that has no clear symptoms.

High blood pressure is also known as hypertension and people can go years with no clue that they have this particular ailment. There are a lot of high blood pressure remedies today that can take care of this problem in an effective manner.

The common symptoms of hypertension are dizziness or sporadic spells of dizziness. A headache or nose bleeds are also signs of high blood pressure. There is no single reason that can be identified as the cause for hypertension. A combination of certain aspects could cause high blood pressure. Weight and lack of activity are one factor whereas the use of nicotine and stress are another.

The intake of sodium and potassium can cause high blood pressure. Alcohol intake is another important factor while age and family history play a large role in inheriting this disease.

Hypertension can be propelled by a prevailing sickness such as thyroid, kidney problems, hormonal imbalances, usage of specific drugs, oral contraceptives, licorice etc.

High blood pressure remedies have sprung up from all corners of the medicinal as well as remedies from home. There are several changes to be made in one's lifestyle to counter high blood pressure.

Home remedies and natural remedies are useful to combat high blood pressure in the early stages if one recognizes it. One must always consult their doctor before taking or using any remedy.

Home remedies can be used to counter pressure by simply turning to one's kitchen. Garlic is known to have several medicinal properties and garlic supplements reduce high blood pressure. Garlic powder is also used by clinics to cater to patients in the early stages of pressure. Garlic lessens the clotting of blood and has the same effect that aspirin has. It thins the blood. A point to be made here is garlic usage must be stopped if one is going to undergo or has undergone surgery.

Another remedy for pressure is hawthorn. Hawthorn is a herb that is used by conventional herbal practitioners to combat pressure. Fish oil is a recommended remedy for pressure as the docohexaenoic acid or DHA in fish oil is known to reduce hypertension.

Folic acid is a highly recommended as it increases the production of red blood cells. Several such pressure remedies are there for one to take care of hypertension. If one recognizes this particular disease in time, the above mentioned pressure remedies can go a long way in taking care of pressure. Since it is also a disease that can be genetic, one must take all precautions to tackle it in time. Lifestyles and stress factors are a major cause of hypertension.

Relaxation and meditation along with several other alternative practices can cure hypertension from its root ensuring that your future generations to do inherit it from you. Exercising and proper dietary habits are of prime importance in maintaining the optimal levels of pressure.

In What Ways Is Aloe Vera Essential to Your Skin's Health?

Compiled with soothing and rejuvenating properties, aloe vera is a magical plant that holds many benefits to your health and skin. Alternatives medicines and cosmetics have been using this as the main ingredient for ages, with regards to the huge range of benefits it has.

Gels, Oil, juice are the various forms in which the plant can be used to bring together creams, soaps and tablets.

People using aloe cream can help soothe their skin with its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. A minor cut or wound, rash or burn can all be healed with just a little application of aloe vera. Additionally the anti-inflammatory properties help you soothe acne, blemishes and several other problems. Extracted from the leaves of the plant, and applied to the skin directly, this can help soften dead skin cells, thereby softening dead skin cells and leaving skin soft and smooth with regular usage. Appearance of fine lines and wrinkles can also be put down to a great extent with the regular usage of this plant gel.

While one can plant the product back at home to reap its benefits; of its juices and gel; it can also be used as a cream. Visible signs of aging including fine lines and wrinkles can be greatly reduced by the usage of this gel. While in summer it helps you relieve sunburn. In winter it helps you soothe your skin down greatly.

Using aloe gel products irrespective of weather can reap amazing benefits. Moisturizers, lotions or creams aloe can benefit you in almost any form.

1. It treats sunburns

At the epithelial level of the skin, aloe works to bring about a change in the layer of cells thus acting as a protective layer, which helps replenish the moisture. The nutritional qualities combined with anti-oxidants actually help heal skin better.

2. It has a moisturizing effect

Moisturization is done, minus the greasy effect and feel. It is a great primer for anyone who uses a mineral based make-up. It helps prevents skin drying if applied before the make-up. Aloe is also great as an after-shave that helps in healing small shaving cuts.

3. It treats acne

Auxin and Gibberellins are two hormones present in the gel that helps in Wound-healing. Various other anti-inflammatory properties help reduce skin inflammation. In fact Gibberlins is responsible for the growth factor in it. Minimal scarring quick and natural healing is what helps reduce inflammations, itchiness and blistering helping skin heal rapidly.

Natural Remedies for Anxiety

Stress anxiety symptoms can include everything from simple headaches and nervousness to migraines, hives, and even panic attacks.

It's not a fun way to live.

On top of all that, continuing to live with those stress anxiety symptoms for long periods of time can wreak havoc on your body. Research has shown that living with stress for long periods of time can cause hypertension, heart attacks, kidney failure, arthritis, allergies, and even eczema.

It is time to take back control away from stress and anxiety.

The more you take charge to reduce and eventually eliminate anxiety, the more you will begin to regain your confidence and your power to restore yourself naturally.

Of the remedies listed below, the first two begin with the power of the mind because that is the center of thinking that produced those feelings of stress in the first place.

These are 7 natural remedies that can help without all the side effects of prescription drugs.

Deep Breathing

This comes first on the list because it's an easy and natural way of calming stressed out nerves and it can be done in as little as a minute.

Deep breathing, even for just a minute or two, has calmed the nerves of many people from speakers who are about to go out on stage to Moms and Dads who are trying to keep calm when dealing with the kids.

The method is to simply move your focus from whatever it is that is causing anxiety to focus directly on your breathing.

This is how you do it: Breathe in deeply until your lungs fill and your tummy pushes out, hold for a second and then breathe out slowly through your nose. This puts oxygen back into your cells which helps to fight anxiety.

You'll also find that when you shift your focus away from how you feel to doing a simple thing like breathing your body begins to naturally relax.


This is next on the list because it is also simple to do, though it takes a few more minutes.

The problem with stress and anxiety is that is produces the fight or flight response that built deep down in our subconscious. When we feel fear we want to run and our body gears up for it.

Meditation forces you to slow your system down.

Meditation begins breathing but also gives you space and time to just to be you without interference.

Many people feel that this is when their spirit has the freedom to rise above all worry and give perspective as though they are looking down from the outside.

Begin by focusing on your breath just as described in the deep breathing exercise above.

As you breathe eventually you may find your mind wandering. This is the time to become the observer. You don't have to take action, you don't have to do anything... just observe.

If you begin to feel anxiety at all immediately return to your breathing.

Another method is to imagine your body as visualize a rainbow that is slowly washing over you. Start with your head and let the colors slowly move down the body, stopping to check in at each point of color such as the top of your head, throat, heart, tummy, abdomen, and so forth.

As you check in at each point observe how you feel when your focus lands on that point.

This is good mental relaxation and by taking time for you, you will be taking back control.

Do this for 15 to 30 minutes at a time. You'll find that sometimes your mind wanders but you can always bring it back by refocusing on the breathing.

Lemon Balm

This natural ingredient has been used for centuries as both a stress relaxer and an aid for sleep.

Lemon Balm, which is also known as Melissa officinalis, was named after the honey bee and is known for its properties that relax and sooth the nerves.

When combined with Valerian, it can work better than most prescription sleeping pills.

Studies have shown that when participants were either given 600 mg of lemon balm or a placebo, those who received lemon balm were far more calm and alert than the placebo group.

Please note, however, that lemon balm can also agitate your nerves if taken in large doses so remember to start slow.

Start with the smallest dose which can be sold in capsules or tinctures. You can also find it in tea and it is often combined with other herbs like chamomile.

Chamomile Tea with Honey

Chamomile has special properties that work to calm you down as it binds to the same brain receptors as chemical drugs, without the side effects.

You can get it in a supplement form but it's certainly not as delicious as enjoying a cup of chamomile tea with a teaspoon or two of honey.

Honey acts to boost immunities which may have been compromised during long periods of stress.

Simply steep the chamomile tea for about 1-2 minutes in a cup of hot water, remove the teabag and add the honey.

This remedy is good for you and yummy too. Plus, it's easy to transport a teabag so you can take a few with you for work or other times you feel stressed.

Short Bursts of Exercise

Amazingly for a few people, exercise is not the answer to reducing stress. They are so dedicated to exercising every day, even several times a day, that you would think that they would be the least stressed of all. After all, isn't exercise the antidote for stress?

That's not necessarily true.

Perfectionism and OCD lead to stress. Those who overdo anything are those who are likely to be the most stressed of all.

Consider the phrase "moderation in everything" and you'll understand why those who are moderate in their approach to life are those who are more likely to enjoy life. They don't worry about whether it's too little or too much. They do everything in moderation.

People who are calm and anxiety free are people who don't overdo anything.

That is why you might want to consider short bursts of exercise to be the right way for you to reduce stress and anxiety symptoms.

Scientific studies have been done on exercise that indicate that mixing short bursts of fast paced exercise with slower, more moderate exercise can actually be healthier and do more good for revving up metabolism and clearing the mind at the same time.

Here's some ways to get 30 minutes of exercise in your day that is moderate, calming and, as some say, it hardly feels like work!
  1. 3 Minutes of Fast Paced Exercise First Thing in the Morning. Do this before anything else.
There are 2 reasons to do this. For one, you get your heart pumping. Secondly, you'll start your day energized and you can do 3 minutes of anything! Here's how to do it:
Start while laying in the bed by doing 20 sit-ups in a row. Jump up and do 20 jumping jacks. Next, try 20 lunges alternating the leg that you start with every 10 times. Then, do 20 side lunges. Your 3 minutes will be up before you know it and you will start your day feeling more alive.
  1. Take 2 fifteen minute breaks during the work day. Spend just half of that break walking up stairs or walking briskly around the block. The other half can be spent relaxing and breathing! This is just 7.5 minutes of exercise but it can relieve anxiety and stress in more ways than one.

  2. Walk for 15 minutes after work. When you get home, change clothes and take just a 15 minute walk to downshift from your day. No phones allowed! Anybody can do 15 minutes and so can you. While you're at it, alternate every few minutes of regular walking with speed walking for about 30 seconds.

The Germans have got natural remedies down to a science and so we look to them for help in recovery and prevention of anxiety. It has been approved in Germany for nervous anxiety and some studies find that it is just as effective as prescription drugs.

However, this natural remedy may cause you to become drowsy. The time to take it is when you are home and supposed to relax but find it difficult to do.

Do not take it if you have to drive.

And, as with all natural remedies, do not take prescription medications at the same time that are designed to relieve anxiety also.

The best way to use natural remedies of any sort is to tell your doctor if you are taking prescription medication for anxiety.

Simply tell the doctor that you would like to try natural remedies instead of prescription and ask for the best way to change from one to the other. For some prescriptions you can stop immediately. For others, you may need gradual withdrawal so it's best to get medical advice.


Food can be your friend when fighting stress. Blood sugar dips can turn even the calmest person into a raving maniac so fight it with food but not in the same old way.

Many of us turn to 'comfort food' in times of stress. The problem is that much of the comfort food we turn to actually causes stress.

Food with a load of sugar can stimulate you temporarily and make you feel better in the short term.

The problem is that sugar wears off quickly and leaves your body yearning for more.

To calm yourself naturally, get off the sugar and onto a comfort food that won't do your system more damage than good.

The best meals and snacks include at least two types of foods because the chemistry works better for the body. Make one of the foods a complex carbohydrate such as oatmeal, whole wheat crackers, brown rice, or even small baked potato but only with the skin.

There is scientific evidence that potatoes are not bad for you unless you eliminate the skin. The skin provides the nutrients that turn the potato into a wonder worker for eliminating sugar.

The other food to go with the complex carbohydrates can be nuts, seeds, salads or other vegetables. In this case, stay off the fruit to keep the sugar down.


The smell of lavender (Lavandula hybrida) does wonders to reduce tension and anxiety.

MedicinePlus which is a service of the National Institute of Health lists lavender as an herb that "is used for restlessness, insomnia, nervousness, and depression. It is also used for a variety of digestive complaints including meteorism (abdominal swelling from gas in the intestinal or peritoneal cavity), loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, intestinal gas (flatulence), and upset stomach."

And if that isn't enough, they added "Some people use lavender for painful conditions including migraine headaches, toothaches, sprains, nerve pain, sores, and joint pain. It is also used for acne and cancer, and to promote menstruation."

Wow! That is a lot of benefit for an herb that smells so good.

In one study done in Germany a lavender pill that was specifically formulated for the study showed that it significantly reduced anxiety symptoms in people with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).

Try inhaling lavender essence, using lavender soaps and lotions or even linen sprays.

Why You Should Try Natural Remedies

The point of trying natural remedies is to help you reduce or even eliminate anxiety without having to worry about the nasty side effects that may come with prescription medicines.

Many prescriptions of what were considered "safe" drugs have been pulled off the market.

Many more that are on the market are those that also affect liver, heart, kidneys and can reduce health over the long term. Yet, sometimes they are necessary.

For example, if you are severely depressed don't wait, RUN to the doctor who can help you at least temporarily alleviate the pain.

On the other side, anxiety is becoming a way of life for many people who wake up every day with it and that is when it's time to stamp it out once and for all.

In Europe and Asia, natural remedies are prescribed by healers at least as often as chemically made remedies, if not more.

Use these 7 natural remedies for stress anxiety symptoms on a regular basis and you'll find that you are back to your old self before you know it!

Relax, rejuvenate and learn to live your best life. You are worth it!

Back Pain Treatment: What's Good and What's Bad

The back is made up of different structures that are overlapping and interconnected. This includes muscles and tendons, complex and small joints, spinal discs and nerves that are highly sensitive. Any problem or irritation that may occur to these structures will cause joint pains that may radiate to other parts of the body. Back pain may differ in intensity where it can be severe or mild depending with the injury and the damaged structures. There are several things that can be done to keep the back in a good condition and prevent aggravation of the disease.

What is good and bad in the treatment of back pain?

It is encouraged that one should have a good bed that has a firm mattress. It is encouraged that one should avoid mattresses that are too soft and not firm. This is important to ensure that one gets a good sleep. Good sleep helps to soothe the joints that are inflamed and repair the muscles that are strained. It is encouraged for one to experiment using different positions until they get a good position that will enable them to get a good sleep. Sleeping on the side is advisable because this prevents any curvature on the spine as this is likely to worsen the condition.

Exercise gently

It is advisable to take part in doing gentle exercises instead of resting and waiting for the pain to decrease. Too much exercising can aggravate some back pains and decrease the strength of the muscles. It is advisable to start with gentle stretches and experimentation should be done to see how one can move without causing any pain to the back. One can also go for an easy and a slow walk and the pace should be increased in cases where one is not feeling pain. It is also advisable to take part in regular exercises and this includes taking part in exercises that stretch and strengthen the muscles without causing any pain on the back. It is advisable to discuss the exercises that should be done with the doctor and any change in regime.

Reduce weight

It is advisable to maintain a healthy weight for patients who suffer from back pain. This is because obesity and increased weight causes a lot of pressure to be exerted on the back and this worsens the condition. Most people who have suffered from back pain for a long time find that the pain reduces or disappears when they lose a few pounds. One should consider getting the advice of a nutritionist on the health foods that should be taken to reduce weight. One can also have a personal trainer to help in shedding the extra pounds.

Body work

The patients who suffer from back pain are encouraged to take part in physical therapy, osteopathy and chiropractic therapy. The patient will be taught on proper posture while lifting or bending and this will helps to avoid flaring movements that are likely to cause damage to the back. The patient will also be taught on how to align the neck, trunk and the head to avoid aggravating the condition. It is also encouraged to take part in Feldenkrais mode of therapy where one is taught on how to flex the back gently and coordinate the movement of the body.

Pain killers

It is advisable to take pain killers that are sold over the counter to help reduce back pain. The drugs that can be taken include non- steroidal anti inflammatory drugs and examples are ibuprofen, aspirin and acetaminophen. These drugs may cause side effects like liver and stomach problems and therefore it is advisable that patient should be aware of the side effects of the drugs before taking them. When the back pain is not relived by these drugs, it is advisable to visit the doctor who will do different tests to find out the cause of the pain. This will ensure that patient gets the right treatment for the back pain.


The back is made up of different structures and they include the muscles, small joints, tendons and nerves and when they are injured the patient will present with back pain. It is advisable that on should get a firm mattress, take painkillers, take part in physical therapy and exercise gently. It is advisable that one should avoid soft mattresses that are not firm, avoid vigorous exercises, avoid obesity and avoid taking painkillers that are sold over the counter for a long time.

Seven Foods For Healthy Hair Growth

Hair loss is not uncommon for men but did you know that it can also affect women? Genetics plays a major role in male baldness but hormonal imbalances, underactive thyroid, nutritional deficiencies and stress are more common causes of hair loss in women.

If you want to counter hair loss there are a number of vitamin supplements available which provide your hair with the nutrients it requires for growth.

Here are 7 healthy foods packed full of nutrients your hair will love.

1. Oily Fish, Nuts and Avocados

The key hair is essential fatty acids which are not only critical to your overall health and wellbeing but also to the health of your hair. It will help your hair shine with health.

2. Citrus Fruit, Kiwi Fruit and Strawberries

What do these three fruits have in common? They are packed with vitamin C. Vitamin C helps in the production of collagen, and collagens is what surrounds and protects the hair shaft. If collagen breaks down hair is more likely to break, so increase collagen by increasing your vitamin C intake. Collagen also plays a vital role in the reduction of wrinkles so it's a win for your whole body.

3. Nuts, Brown Rice and Oats

These three foods include a form of vitamin B called Biotin. Biotin is key in hair growth and the circulation of nutrients around your scalp and hair follicles.

4. Red Meat, Dark Green Leafy Veges, Berries and Cashews

Iron is essential for hair growth so it is critical that you get enough. Women often suffer from iron deficiency which is just going to add to hair loss issues. If you are not getting enough iron in your diet then take a good supplement. Vitamin C is key to iron absorption so keep up the fresh fruit and vege too.

5. Cucumber, Mango, Asparagus

These foods are rich in silica which also play a major role in hair growth. If you really want to grow your hair fast then take a 500mg silica supplement twice daily.

6. Oysters, Brazil Nuts and Eggs

These are foods that are high in zinc. Zinc is essential for hair and nail strength. If you really think your hair and nails need a health boost you might want to consider taking zinc supplements, or even a zinc and silica supplement.

7. Sunflower Seeds, Almonds Pine nuts and Dried Apricots

These are all foods that are high in Vitamin E which is essential in the manufacture of Keratin. Keratin protects and strengthens hair. Increasing your vitamin E intake will help prevent breakage and further damage.

Finally, try to reduce your levels of stress this will help immensely to reduce the levels of hair loss.

Dental Treatments You Wish You Didn't Need

Most people want to have healthy teeth. Unfortunately, it takes some effort in order to prevent tooth decay, and few people are lucky enough to have no dental problems at all. In fact, getting a filling is not unusual at all. However, there are a few other dental treatments you probably wish you didn't need from your dentist, for example, ask referral from friend.

Tooth Extractions

Losing a tooth is an irreversible procedure. Once a tooth gets extracted, it can't go back in. And unless your dentist is extracting a baby tooth, you're not going to get a new one in its place. Obviously, extractions are sometimes necessary.

For example, if your roots are severely damaged beyond repair or you're battling with an infection above your tooth, then a tooth extraction might be the only option. However, most dentists will only extract a tooth as a last resort. Of course, some people choose a tooth extraction over a root canal when they can't afford to do the latter.

In some cases, a tooth has to be extracted in order to make room in your mouth. Some people don't have enough room for all of their teeth. This is often the case with wisdom teeth.

Root Canals

Getting a root canal done is definitely not like a walk in the park. While your dentist will numb the area to ensure that you're not in any pain, you should know that a root canal is a procedure that takes a lot of time. On the bright side, you can actually rescue the tooth with a root canal. And for most people, that's certainly preferable to an extraction.

Your tooth needs a root canal when the cavity is really deep. Once the roots are affected, the nerves have to be removed in order to save the tooth and get rid of the pain. Most of the time, a patient in need of a root canal will be in a lot of pain beforehand.


While scaling can be an effective procedure to halt the progress of gum disease, it's certainly not pleasant. On the bright side, your dentist, for example, the dentist which find through surfing, will numb your teeth and gums to ensure that you won't feel any pain. Of course, in order to avoid further dental problems after your dental treatment, whether it's a scaling or a root canal, you'll need to take good care of your teeth and gums.