Deal With Blood Pressure Naturally

As per the American Heart Association, close to one in every three adult Americans suffers from high blood pressure. Most people are not even aware of that they suffer from it since it is the kind of disease that has no clear symptoms.

High blood pressure is also known as hypertension and people can go years with no clue that they have this particular ailment. There are a lot of high blood pressure remedies today that can take care of this problem in an effective manner.

The common symptoms of hypertension are dizziness or sporadic spells of dizziness. A headache or nose bleeds are also signs of high blood pressure. There is no single reason that can be identified as the cause for hypertension. A combination of certain aspects could cause high blood pressure. Weight and lack of activity are one factor whereas the use of nicotine and stress are another.

The intake of sodium and potassium can cause high blood pressure. Alcohol intake is another important factor while age and family history play a large role in inheriting this disease.

Hypertension can be propelled by a prevailing sickness such as thyroid, kidney problems, hormonal imbalances, usage of specific drugs, oral contraceptives, licorice etc.

High blood pressure remedies have sprung up from all corners of the medicinal as well as remedies from home. There are several changes to be made in one's lifestyle to counter high blood pressure.

Home remedies and natural remedies are useful to combat high blood pressure in the early stages if one recognizes it. One must always consult their doctor before taking or using any remedy.

Home remedies can be used to counter pressure by simply turning to one's kitchen. Garlic is known to have several medicinal properties and garlic supplements reduce high blood pressure. Garlic powder is also used by clinics to cater to patients in the early stages of pressure. Garlic lessens the clotting of blood and has the same effect that aspirin has. It thins the blood. A point to be made here is garlic usage must be stopped if one is going to undergo or has undergone surgery.

Another remedy for pressure is hawthorn. Hawthorn is a herb that is used by conventional herbal practitioners to combat pressure. Fish oil is a recommended remedy for pressure as the docohexaenoic acid or DHA in fish oil is known to reduce hypertension.

Folic acid is a highly recommended as it increases the production of red blood cells. Several such pressure remedies are there for one to take care of hypertension. If one recognizes this particular disease in time, the above mentioned pressure remedies can go a long way in taking care of pressure. Since it is also a disease that can be genetic, one must take all precautions to tackle it in time. Lifestyles and stress factors are a major cause of hypertension.

Relaxation and meditation along with several other alternative practices can cure hypertension from its root ensuring that your future generations to do inherit it from you. Exercising and proper dietary habits are of prime importance in maintaining the optimal levels of pressure.

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